We have created the Geek Grind Coffee Company utilizing our family's decades of passion, skill and expertise in the cultivation and roasting of mountain-grown Colombian coffee. We are a mixed American and Colombian family living between the two countries. Through Geek Grind Coffee you have immediate access to our Colombian farms and unique quality that only a direct sourced coffee relationship can bring to you.
We do not "source" our coffee as most companies do - rather we actually grow it. We harvest by hand from our own farms and the nearby farms of our friends and neighbors. We then immediately dry the coffee beans in the sun right at the mountain farms. Just hours after drying we roast the coffee in small batches then finally package the roasted in special protective packaging that assures freshness before shipping directly to your door.
We call this "Certified Origin Production" and we are one of the only coffee companies in the world to do this. We know that you will taste the difference in quality and freshness. Also you will be making a tremendous change at origin by directly supporting not just the origin farmers but also our staff at the source who roasts, packages and ships the world's finest Colombian coffee to you.
Thank you - The Geek Grind Team and Cruz Family
- Email us anytime at Ask@GeekGrindCoffee.com