Jungle Haze - Toasted Bananas Foster- 2.5 oz Ground Sample

Now Available As:

100% Fairtrade Cocoa


Pre-ground: ready to brew

Natural Ingredients


Perfect roast ready to grind

100% Palm Oil Free


Recyclable for Keurig makers

100% Palm Oil Free


Coffee + mug + gift box.

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This medium-dark roast super-premium coffee is handpicked at the farm in the Cali, Colombian mountains. It reveals delicious hazelnut infused flavor that you will come back for again and again!

Jack’s Journal

9:00AM, Camp Bear Track, Saturday, June 23rd, 1984 – Spent the night lost alone in the caverns. Finally found my way out when the sun came up. No sign of the others who where helping to look for Jason. Figure I will walk back to the lake camp as they must be back there. I could swear there was someone in the caverns with us last night. Was that screaming I heard after we got separated? Lord I hope not.

11AM, Camp Bear Track, Saturday, June 23rd, 1984 – Made the long walk back to the lake camp to find Rachel and the the others. The camp in empty and trashed! Did a bear come through here?? The tents are torn open… clothing and equipment is thrown everywhere. There is blood.. yes I am sure of that… must have been a grizzly. Good Lord, why did we come here? Found a note! “Attacked last night, can’t stay.. went to find caretaker in in his trailer down in Hazelnut Hallow. Looking for the map now..

2:00 PM, Camp Bear Track, Saturday, June 23rd, 1984 – Arrived at Hazelnut Hallow and found the caretaker’s trailer. Door was open and trailer was empty. No one is here. I am now alone at Bear Track summer camp. Everyone is gone. Jason and Rachel disappeared in the lake and then the caverns took the others. Now cannot find the caretaker in his trailer….

7:00PM, Camp Bear Track, Saturday, June 23rd, 1984 – Decided to stay in the caretakers trailer. Cannot go back to the lake camp. Seems too dangerous with the grizzly attack or whatever is out there… it has taken all of us. I am the only one the remains and darkness is coming soon. I found some plywood under the trailer and boarded up the windows of the trailer…. Used some scrap metal to secure the door from inside. Darkness is coming soon.. I pray I make it through the night!

Available in 12 oz. ground and whole bean, 2.5 lb. bags and look soon for Kcups!

The Super crate option includes two 12 oz. coffee of your choice plus a big 15 oz. Mug!


Reign of the King: Every sip will unveil the subtleties of vanilla and brown sugar beneath sweet and complex levels of rich roasted tropical banana. Drink deeply and be transported back to the island in the mists. You have discovered Tatua, the island of the King. - Medium Roast

Journal Log - Day 67 - March 3rd - 05:45AM

South Pacific - Horse Latitudes - 34 deg. S

Entry Log -We were just awoken early to the call of "Land!" by the first mate on the watch. Pulling my trousers over my now sweat-stained undergarments, I along with the others in our science team, rushed in the dawn twilight to the pitching deck to see what we could see. Now more than two months at sea, after leaving London on New Years Day, we were worn down and ready to see land again! Yet the vision of the isle made me strangely uneasy. There she was, the island we had hoped to discover was now before us. An atoll shrouded in myth and superstition was now just off the port beam of the reliable, if slow and miserable, HMS Elizabeth steam trawler. 

The captain, an old whale hunter, slowed the 130' ship to a crawl as the crew sounded the depth looking for a passage through the treacherous reefs. These reefs guarded the island only known as the Tatua in the ancient maps we had found buried deep in the catacombs of the Library of London. Polynesian for "terrifying monster" one could only assume too much superstition affected the island tribes in this region of the deep South Pacific. Yet as researchers, the task before us was to make a landing and document flora and fauna that no man has seen. For 12 days we would be on the island before the ship returned for us. The captain refusing to stay due to incoming tropical storms.

The high mountain cliffs of the island thrust above the thick jungle canopy that ran to the beach below. In the early light, could it be my eyes played a game with my mind? I can only say that a series of caves cut into the cliff face gave the vague appearance of a massive ominous skull. Just as I made this realization, a thunderous sound came across the water and set us back from the rail in shock. A roar of tremendous volume it was! Winston the photographer said it must be the waves echoing from the sea caves. Yet Rondak, the South Pacific tracker and my faithful companion, only said "Tatua" in a low whisper.... and turned to return to his cabin below. 

The ropes and pulleys began to lower the landing boats as the crew barked orders left and right. I must return to my quarters and prepare to go ashore. May God help us and carry us home again.

- W.C. Livingston - Esquire - Explorer and Associate to the Explorers Club of England - 1932


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What's are gift crates?

Gift Crates

Each of our amazing coffee, tea and hot chocolate crates comes with a choice of either Two full 12oz bags of ground or whole bean coffee, a 20 pack of K-cups or two full bags of tea.. then we add in a matching mug and pack it all in a beautiful gift crate!

Fast Travel to the K-Cup Single Coffee Pod Page

We offer many K-Cup Single Use Recylable Coffee Pods in 12 packs, 20 packs and also Coffee Crates which contain a 20 pack of K-Cups Plus a beautiful matching 15 oz. Mug!